Thursday, 23 June 2011

The question is........

It's difficult to explain why. Why do I want to put my body through an emotional roller coster of extreme physical and mental duress. Why do I want to push my boundaries beyond beyond and back again. Why do I want to feel pain then smile, almost laugh at it. I've read the book by the incredible ultra marathoner Dean Karnazes, Confessions of an all Night Runner, I've read the book Bones of Hills, the epic and amazing story of Genghis Khan and the Mongol rule. Two quite amazing inspirational human beings albeit one was a brutal murdering bastard! So what if I combine the two, their footsteps and my zest for craziness, pain and endurance. Why not compete in the worlds premier toughest race, the toughest footrace challenge on the planet Earth.... the 4 deserts, starting without question in the Gobi Desert the land once ruled by Genghis alone and a race that Dean himself has also blessed and for which he holds the world record. The 5th largest desert, the hottest place in the whole of Asia, a race 250km long which is five back to back marathons and one 55 mile Ultra marathon carrying 20kg of food, water and survival essentials on your back, mountain high and valley low. The Ultimate footrace, for me the start of a series of ultimate I? There are many common overused cliches I could use to justify it, but my own not so common cliche is "Fuck it, why not"!

1 comment:

  1. "To dream anything you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind.
    To do anything you want to do, that is the strength of the human will.
    To trust yourself to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed.""
    (Bernard Edmonds)
