Friday 30 December 2011

Doing Something the Kitchen

Ok people, most of you know I love a good adventure race, knee deep in mud and frozen water. I also love a good mountain. Nothing more refreshing than being thrown over a two foot cornice to dig an avalanche pit in a Scottish blizzard :-) Oh yeah baby! But, there is a sensible side to me that loves to cook, to eat healthy. I'm no saint; yes I love a beef pattie slapped between a bun from a well known fast food outlet beginning with Mmmmmmmmm but only on the odd occasion, usually when I'm on the hoof. No I don't ride horses. Also, where would Wednesday night be without a curry takeaway. Well still between Tuesday and Thursday I guess but it is my weakness on what is generally a healthy eating week.

Every January, I go extreme alas, no change there. I have this diet stricter than my primary school teacher that sellotaped me to my chair..those were the days. You do that now and she's be called a kiddy fiddling, bullying, child abusing masochistic pervert, stripped of her job, house, splashed all over the Sunday rag and slammed up for six months with manic depressive self harming lesbian. Anyway, it clearly did me no harm. Anyone want to hit my willy with a stinging nettle?

Now where was I, oh yeah my detox. Seriously, this shit works. I eat a diet at of fish, brown rice, fruit, nuts, pulses, goats cheese and that's about it. No caffeine, no wheat, no dairy, no meat although I do cheat and eat chicken sometimes, no sugar, no refined foods, NO F***ING ALCOHOL grrrr. Basically if hasn't just been dug up (no I don't do necrophilia), picked, or caught I generally try to avoid it. Lemon tea, cold shower, fruit smoothie and oats with soya milk to start the day. Tuna salad for lunch, Salmon with jackpot or brown rice for tea with a crumble of goats cheese and some leeks to jazz it up. You get the picture.

Now it can get boring, tedious, damn right monotonous at times but you have to stay strong. You have to imagine you are eating a raw steak off a naked lady. Use some imagination, what ever floats your boat and tickles your testicles or niggles your noona for the ladies.

After a few weeks, combined with a healthy sleep pattern, exercise and relaxation you feel amazing. Truly. Alive and alert like a new person, all ready to "TOX" for the next eleven months. Yeah!

If you fancy it, give it a go. As my last blog, I'll be posting some of my kitchen dishes and ideas for you to have a go at. You don't have to follow them, just maybe take a little inspiration from them and tweak them to make them you own.

Have fun in the kitchen, it's not a place for chores. It a place to express yourself, have some fun and promote your health and happiness for 2012. Hope you enjoy my dishes or those that come from your own imagination. Be lucky x

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